Forum für Autisten und interessierte Zeitgenossen (
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Thema: Der 1. März ist Tag der Opfer von Morden an Behinderten durch Angehörige und Personal (

Geschrieben von: 55555 am: 30.01.14, 13:02:02
In recent years, we've seen a horrifying trend: parents and caregivers-those we should be able to trust most-are committing murder against disabled people under their power. There have been over forty such murders and murder-suicides that we know of in the last five years alone. The media portrays these murders as justifiable due to the "burden" of having a disabled person in the family. The murderers are then given sympathy and comparatively lighter sentences, and the victims are unfairly disregarded. For the last three years, ASAN, ADAPT, Not Dead Yet, the National Council on Independent Living and other disability rights organizations are coming together to mourn those losses, bring awareness to these tragedies, and demand justice and equal protection under the law for all people with disabilities.
This past year has been particularly tragic, as several prominent murder cases have occurred in our community. Just last month, on December 15th, the body of eight-year-old Randall Barrow was discovered in Alabama. His mother had drowned him and later killed herself. Only days later in Pennsylvania, 52 year-old Mickey Liposchok was found shot to death by his father in a murder-suicide. In both gruesome cases, the victims had a developmental disability.
Join the disability community and ASAN on March 1st to mourn the lives of those we've lost and bringing awareness to this horrific trend of violence against our community.

Geschrieben von: PvdL am: 31.01.14, 14:24:44
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